Known as Timurlenk in Turkish, Emir Temur in Central Asia, and Tamerlane by Westerners, he is one of the most important warrior rulers in the history. He is the founder and first ruler of the Timurid dynasty. He was a Muslim of Turkish-Mongol descent and spent almost his entire life on campaigns. His armies shook the world of that time by capturing lands from Moscow to Delhi and from Izmir to China. He captured a large part of Central Asia, Russia, Iran, India, Afghanistan, the Caucasus, the Middle East and Anatolia. Tamerlane was injured in a war that left him with a limp, so he was given the Persian name "Timur-i leng", meaning "Timur the limp".
Tamerlane was born in 1336 in the village of Hoca Ilgar near Kesh (Sehrisebz, today in Uzbekistan). His father was Turagay, the emir of the Barlas tribe in the region, and his mother was Tekina Hatun. From 1360 onwards, he participated in the conflicts between the Cagatays and the Mongols, frequently changing sides. 10 years later, in 1370, he ascended to the throne in Samarkand. He is also known as "Aksak" or "Lenk" because he was injured in his right arm and right leg during this struggle.
Tamerlane entered Anatolia via Iran during his campaigns. He laid siege to Ankara in May 1402 and started a war with sultan Yildirim Bayezid. On July 28, 1402, Tamerlane defeated the Ottoman army in the Battle of Ankara, and the sultan was taken prisoner. This situation would lead to a great crisis in the Ottoman Empire and the interregnum would begin. After the victory, Tamerlane also captured the Aegean region. He returned to Samarkand in 1404 and decided to go on a campaign to China, but he fell ill and died on the road in 1405 and was buried in his tomb in Samarkand. Despite his expeditions and conquests extending from Delhi to Moscow and from China to Anatolia, the country he left to his heirs was not that large after his death. Tamerlane's death led to fierce struggles for the throne between his sons and grandsons, and finally his younger son Sahruh took over the throne.